Vao phone numbers trichy district. txt) or view presentation slides online.

Vao phone numbers trichy district Users can get information about the district's administration, boundaries and rivers. No Name of the Taluks Name of the Firkas; 1. Taluk Office; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No Fax No; Tahsildar, Tiruppur North: tahtpr[dot]tntpr[at]nic[dot]in: 9445000574: 0421-2200553: 0421-2200111 VAO Contact Number-31. NAME OF ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY NAME AND DESIGNATION OF RETURNING OFFICERS TELEPHONE NO. Special Deputy Collector, (Stamps) Tiruchirappalli. Trichy Help Line Numbers. List of villages in Tiruchirappalli district. Madhavaram 6. reforms undertaken/ being undertaken / Revenue Firkas (31) S. Office : 2331724; Mobile : 7373008786; Ward-[61,64,65] J. This document provides contact information for various departments that would respond during a disaster in Thanjavur district, including phone numbers for the district collector, police, fire, medical, revenue, public works, agriculture, and other departments. dynamic ground water resources 15-24 4. / – 'à {ºÐ#£¢éØ~ Às˜¬¬ ÿ P ’·»+=Kä þE¯‡ $^o { Òéàÿ“4+ƒ/ ñ 6'‹%â §æ 2ÄöY SãSÄ £ÄÌ %(by1'. Mainly Focusing on Padasalai, Kaviseithi for students, at 10th, 11th, 12th, TNPSC Find telephone numbers of Collector's Office, RDO, Tahsildars, Panchayat Unions, Corporation, Police Stations and Education Department of Trichy region on this page. 22 . ground water regime monitoring 8-15 3. P. District Revenue Officer, Pudukkottai. This document contains a list of villages in Tiruvannamalai district of Tamil Nadu District Administration; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No; The District Collector: collrvnr[at]nic[dot]in: 9444184000: 04562-252525: District Revenue Officer District Collectorate; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No; District Collector: collrtnj[at]nic[dot]in +91-9444179000: 04362-230102: District Revenue Officer District Administration; Name Designation Mobile No Landline No Email; Thiru. D. Click a picture of CHENNAI DISTRICT TAHSILDAR, DEPUTY TAHSILDAR, REVENUE INSPECTORS &VAO’s DETAILS WITH MOBILE NUMBERS List of Taluk Sno. Apart from the Fort, there are several Temples dating back to the 1760s. performance indicators 33-36 9. No Municipality Name No of wards 1 Manapparai 27 2 Thuraiyur 24 3 Thuvakkudi 21 4 Lalgudi 24 5 Musiri 24 Town Panchayats (14) Sl. No Town [] Detailed information is provided about Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu. Also it is in the Border of other district Namakkal . 7 %âãÏÓ 41 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /N 3 /Alternate /DeviceRGB /Length 2593 >> stream xœ –wTT× ‡Ï½wz¡Í0t z¯R é ¤WQ f ÊÃ Ø "* QD¤)‚ EbE Q {@‚€ ƒQl¨dFÖJ|yyïåå÷Ç=ßÚgïs÷Ù{ßµ. Article; Talk; English. Valavanthankottai Pin code. Tiruchirappalli, situated on the banks of the river Cauvery is the fourth largest city in Tamil Nadu. A. Valavanthankottai Schools and colleges . Address. Telephone Number (Residence) Mobile Number 1 GUMMIDIPOONDI Sakthivel, Special Deputy Collector (SSS), Tiruvallur 044-27666833 044-27666833 - 9842747398 / 7598700303 2 As of 02-Feb-25, 7 Government offices are listed with us for entire Tiruchirappalli. , have Find below the list of important Government Offices in Trichy along with their location and contact details. Inspection Cell Officer, Tiruchirappalli. LALGUDI (Secondary) AMBIGAWATHI (DEO) 104 Trichy Zone Ravi Kumar S Assistant Director of Drugs Control 9842427027 0431-2760112 105 Trichy Zone Sugumaran (i/c) M Senior Drugs Inspector 9841477526 106 Trichy Zone Karthikeyan (i/c) K Trichy-I Trichy 9655970400 107 Trichy Zone Senthil Velan S Trichy-II Trichy 9884444085 108 Trichy Zone Shylajha D Chidambaram 9003940299 Official Telephone Number Chennai HQ 044 - 2841 5550 [Commissionerate] / District Collector 0431 – 2415031, 2415032, 2415033 Tahsildar Trichy West 9445000602 Deputy Collector-District Supply and Consumer Production Officer, Tirupathur District: dsotirupattur[at]gmail[dot]com: 9498341055: Palanisamy: Inspector-Food Safety Department,Tirupathur: 9943304060: Meenatchi: Circle Deputy Register: drcooperatives[dot]tpt[at]gmail[dot]com: 9944460170: Prabakar : Deputy Register- Urban co District Level :- Name of the Phone No. Email: grievance[dot]tnpsc[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in NAME OF DISTRICT No of the Assembly Constituency. Ambattur 9. E-Mail: collrvnr[at]nic[dot]in . Minnakkal: 2: Rasipuram: Ponparappipatty ( S. It includes the names, designations and cell phone numbers of the Tahsildars, Revenue Inspectors and Village Administrative Officers for different firka/regions within the taluks. , Designation. It is located 12 KM towards South from District head quarters Tiruchirapalli. 17 Chennai Alanthur Arasu e-sevai Centre, Taluk Office, No. TRICHY . During the British Raj, the district was referred to as Trichinopoly, and was a 4217555 , 4216555 , 4214555 or toll free number for suggestions and complaints . Office/ Unit Designation under the Act Designation Office Home Fax E-Mail Official Address Public Information Officer Personal Assistant (General) to the Collector 252671 252188 252671 mailto:pag. Siddharthan: Deputy Director Of Horticulture: ddhcoimbatore[at]yahoo[dot]com: Deputy Director of Horticulture, 1422, Thadagam Road, GCT post, Coimbatore- 641013. Email: com-ra[at]nic[dot]in ad-cra[at]nic[dot]in Phone : 044 - 2841 5550 044 - 2841 5551 044 - 2841 0544 The Government of Tamil Nadu will announce a recruitment notification for 2299 Village Assistant (கிராம உதவியாளர்) vacancies in various districts of Tamil Nadu under the TN Revenue Department. ground water issues and challenges 25-26 6. Mylapore 13. Aminjikarai 8. O/o the District Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Office, Pudukkottai. Mambalam 12. 113,V. Pradeep Kumar, I. E-mail-id 1 Ariyalur District Treasury Ariyalur Collectorate Building, Jayankondam Road, Ariyalur, Ariyalur Taluk & District -621704 Thiru. This document lists contact information for various Taluk Level Officers in Coimbatore, Mettupalayam and Annur Taluks. ) Respective subjects functions assigned to officer. The Personal Assistant ( General) to the Collector, First Floor, Collectorate, Nagapattinam– 611007. Phone : +91-4365-252500 Camp Office : +91-4365-252700 Fax : +91-4365-253048 E mail : collrngp[at]nic[dot]in. On this page, you will find listing for Amaravathi Ration Shop, Commercial Taxes Office, Ministry Of Finance - Customs Central Excise & Service Tax, Ration Shop, Pothu Viniyoga Kadai, Ration Shop, Ration Shop, Ration Shop Manikandam, Employees State Insurance Corporation, TNEB Office Collector Office; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No; Collector: collrtut[at]nic[dot]in: 0461-2340601: District Revenue Officer: dro[dot]tntut[at]nic[dot]in Collectorate; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No; The District Collector: collrtvr[at]nic[dot]in: 9444178000: 04366-223344: District Revenue Officer (DRO) This Place is in the border of the Tiruchirappalli District and Karur District. We are giving Comprehensive preparation for all exams under TNPSC & its various stages of Exam. Saminathan Assistant Treasury Officer 04329 228910 dtoari. Coimbatore District contains three Revenue Divisions namely Coimbatore (South) Revenue Get information on postal address, contact phone numbers, bank codes and branch timings. It was a citadel of the early Cholas which later fell to the Pallavas. 954322-220946 221624 221625 221626 Ext- 216 . Balathandautham: Assistant Commissioner of Revenue Administration Details NAME TOTAL Revenue Divisions 2 Revenue Taluks 5 Revenue Villages 114 Revenue Firka 17 Revenue Divisions(2) SL. The format for Express Parcel is XX000000000XX. The important telephone numbers of District Collector and Taluk, Panchayat Union Officers responsible for first response, search and rescue operations, shelter management etc. Thiru. Elurpatti Local Language is Tamil. Ranjeet Singh, I. move to sidebar hide. Perambur 5. Elurpatti Village Total population is 7856 and number of houses are 2205. Indian Bank THALAKKUDI Branch in Trichy; Area: THALAKKUDI: Address: 13, Vivekananthar Illam Menaka Nagar No. Add links. Joint Director of Town Panchayats. Nos 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu. S heads the District. The town and its fort, now in Trichy were built by the Revenue; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No; Sub Collector Pudukkottai: rdopdkt222219[at]gmail[dot]com: 9445000468: 04322-222219: Revenue Divisional Officer Aranthangi City commissioner, 11th Cross, Thillai Nagar Tiruchirappalli 620018 Tamilnadu. Ayanavaram 7. District Level Offices; Designation Email Mobile Number Landline Number; District Sports and Youth Welfare Officer, Karur: dsokarur[at]gmail[dot]com: 7401703493: 04324-256728: District Project Officer, Chief Minister's Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme: 7373004341: 04324-256101: District Employment Officer, Karur: deo[dot]karur[at]tn[dot District Adi Dravider and Tribai Officer, Tiruchira Ili Assistant Commissioner, (Excise) Tiruchira li Specie; Depuly Coileci0f, Personal Assistant (Accounts) to Collector. Tirunelveli District Helpline Emergency Contact Phone Numbers; Tirunelveli Police Emergency Call Number: 100: Traffic The District Collector, First Floor, Collectorate, Karur – 639007. Coimbatore District is one of the biggest Districts in Tamil Nadu. net: District Taluk List : 9 Taluks - Manikandam is a Town in Manikandam Block in Tiruchirappalli District of Tamil Nadu State, India. Information on schemes is available. tntry@nic. Tools. Information is also provided about elections, disaster management, and elected members of the district. It includes 3 tables of data with village names and contact information. Purasawalkam 4. Elurpatti 2011 Census Details . 7708917292: Thiru. Koil Street, Institute of Road Transport Training centre complex, . Nanditha, Phone No- 9150056807, Email Id: srcwTamilNadu[at]gmail[dot]com " This Website belongs to Tamilnadu, The official website of Tamilnadu Social Welfare Department Government of Tamilnadu, India’(for a Central Government Department). Valavanthankottai is a Village in Thiruverambur Block in Tiruchirappalli District of Tamil Nadu State . Manikandam Pin code is 620012 and postal head office is Mobile Number Landline Number; District Forest Officer, Kodaikanal: dfokodai[dot]dgl[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in: 6369836036: 04542-240287: District Forest Officer, Dindigul: dfodgl[at]gmail[dot]com: 9677650805: 0451-2460470: Chief Conservator of Forest: 9486911529: Others; Designation Email Mobile Number Landline Number; District Supply Officer: Different types of postal service have different kinds of tracking number formats. Village Assistants serve under the Village Administrative Officers (VAOs), who have authority over the revenue villages in Tamil Nadu. Latha Additional Treasury Officer Thiru. Trichy is a fine blend of tradition and modernity built around the Rock Fort. District Collector Sivagangai: Phone No: 04575-241466,04575 241455. Name Total Revenue Divisions 2 Revenue Taluks 6 Revenue Firkas 18 Revenue Villages 188 Revenue Divisions (2) : Nagercoil Division Padmanabhapuram Division Revenue Taluks (4) : Nagercoil Division Agasteeswaram taluk Thovalai Taluk Padmanabhapuram Division Kalkulam Taluk Vilavancode Taluk Thiruvattar Killiyoor Revenue Firkas List S. LOCAL BODIES Local Body Type Nos Corporation 1 Municipalities 5 Town Panchayats 14 Corporation (1) Sl. Email: com-ra[at]nic[dot]in ad-cra[at]nic[dot]in Phone : 044 - 2841 5550 044 - 2841 5551 044 - 2841 0544 2020050931 - Free download as PDF File (. The Personnel Assistant ( General) to the Collector, District Collectorate, First Floor, Tiruchirappalli – 620 001 Tiruchirappalli District is one of the 38 districts, located along the Kaveri River, in Tamil Nadu, India. O/o Divisional Engineer, NABARD & Rural Roads, 1661 trichy Road ,Coimbatore-18: 0422-2300032: Thiru. The Additional Collector/ District Revenue Officer runs [] Contact Phone Numbers; Trichy Police Emergency: 100: Accident & Emergency Patient Care Services: 108: Fire Service Department: 101: Ambulance Contact Number: 102: Childline Emergency: 1098 : Disaster Contact Number: 1077: Tirunelveli. 0431- 2418060. Karur District Krishnarayapuram is South towards this place . tndta@nic. He deals mainly with planning and development, law and order, general elections, arms licensing etc. Sc. 19 திருச்சி மாவட்டம்(Tiruchirapalli) 119 Tiruchirappalli 94450 00602 120 Srirangam 94450 00603 121 Manapparai 94450 00604 122 Lalgudi 94450 00605 123 District Collector Office, Tiruchirappalli – 620 001 Phone : 0431 – 2415031,2415032,2415033 Camp Office : 0431 – 2420681 Fax No : 0431 – 2411929 E mail : Trichy District Collector Office: Raja Colony, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001: Monday to Friday, 10am-6pm, Saturday and Sunday, Closed: Raja Colony: Trichy Lines office: Raja Colony, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001: Sangillyandapuram: Trichy Corporation Birth and Death Register office The District Collector District Collector Office, Tiruchirappalli – 620 001 Phone : 0431 – 2415031,2415032,2415033 Camp Office : 0431 – 2420681 Fax No : 0431 – 2411929 E mail : collrtry[at]nic[dot]in. S: DISTRICT COLLECTOR: collrtry[at]nic[dot]in: 0431-2415031: Tmt N. Maduravoyal 11. Tirunelveli: Madavakurichi Gangaikondan Naranamalpuram Tirunelveli: 2. $/?. No Taluk Name Revenue Villages Name; 1: Rasipuram: A. Details pertaining to tourism are also given. The tracking number for a Registered Mail is a 13 digit alphanumeric number and its format is RX123456789IN. But a Electronic Money Order trichy district – administrative setup 3 1. Their duties include tax TALUKS FIRKA’S VILLAGES Tiruppur North 2 7 Tiruppur South 3 16 Avinashi 4 41 Uthukuli 2 49 Palladam 4 29 Dharapuram 7 71 Kangayam 4 44 Udumalpet 5 75 Madathukulam 2 18 Tiruppur North FIRKA VILLAGE NAME VILLAGE NO TIRUPPUR NORTH NERUPPERICHAL 003 THOTTIPALAYAM 006 MANNARAI 007 VELAMPALAYAM PONKUPALAYAM 001 Telephone Numbers of Village Panchayat Offices: Select District Phone / Fax No. 12,1st Main Road,Alandur, Nanganallur,Chennai-61. Read; Edit; View history; Tools. 1 Tollgate Bikshandar Koil Post District: TRICHY State: TAMIL NADU Pincode - 621216: Contact Numbers: Phone: 0431-2591450: Fax: Email: t h a l akk u d i@ i n d District Collector: 9444175000: District Revenue Officer: 9445000920: Sub - Collector: 9445000458: Personal Assistant to District Collector (General) 9445008145: Personal Assistant to District Collector (Land) 9442122621: Personal Assistant to District Collector (SSS) 9445461745: Personal Assistant to District Collector (Account) 9940959388 numbers vao - Free download as PDF File (. txt) or view presentation slides online. Commissionerate of Town Panchayats,7th & 8th Floor, Urban Administrative Revenue; Profile Picture Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address; Thiru. xlsx), PDF File (. Name of the Department and Offices Officers appointed as %PDF-1. M. No Corporation Name No of Wards 1 Tiruchirappalli City Corporation 65 Municipalities (5) Sl. Web Information Manager. pdf), Text File (. The revenue administration is divided into Three Revenue Divisions and Eleven Taluks consisting of 295 Revenue villages for effective management. M. tnvnr@nic. PDF👇👇👇*_ View the List of Government Offices in Trichy Address, Phone, Hours, Email and Website, through the below table. No. 5. P . Phone : +91-4324-257511 Camp Office : +91-4324-257112 Fax : +91-4324-257800 E mail : collrkar@nic[dot]in Valavanthankottai Village Map. மேகநாத ரெட்டி : District Collector Virudhunagar – 626002: Phone No: 04562-252525,04562 252345. SWAMY MUTHALAGAN (DEO) 9443790360 . Collector in the Cadre of I. . District Education Office, Tricuchirapalli, Thriuchirapalli District. The document provides contact details of Village Panchayat Presidents and Secretaries across 36 villages, listing their name, panchayat name, mobile number. Write your grievance with grievance details, area details, name, email id (to provide feedback). S. It is a Block head quarter. For any query regarding this website Please Contact the "Web Information Manager: Name-Mrs. com The District Collector, First Floor, Collectorate, Nagapattinam– 611001. Village Administrative Office; Name Designation Email Mobile No Landline No Fax No Address; VAO, Soranjeri: Avadi Taluk - VAO, Soranjeri: 9384829945: VAO, Tiruninravur About District. Tharamani 100 feet Road, Chennai -600 113. txt) or read online for free. ground water quality issues 24-25 5. Taluk Names 1. He acts as the District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order in his jurisdiction. Section Office, Subramaiyapuram Division The District Collector Room No :101, First Floor, Collectorate, Salem – 636001 Phone : 0427 2452244 E mail :collrslm[at]nic[dot]in Web Information Manager The Personnel Assistant ( General) to the Collector, Room no : 117, First Floor, Collectorate, Salem – 636001 Phone : 0427 2450301 E mail :pagsalem01[at]gmail[dot]com Telephone. The tracking number for Express Parcel is a 13 digit alphanumeric format. (OFFICE) Fax No. Contact Us . ²ÑgŸEv 3; Ç ±8ç v [Ì="Þ‘-äˆ Collectorate Compound, Tiruchirappalli HO, Trichy - 620001 Phone Number: (0431) 2460823 Government Tahsildar Address 1: Taluk Office, Tiruverambur, Trichy - 620013 Phone Number: (0431) 2511542 Address 2: Cantonment, Tiruchirappalli Cantt, Trichy - 620001 Phone Number: (0431) 2410410 Address 3: The document provides contact details for various district level officers in Salem district, including the District Collector, Police Commissioner, Revenue officials, heads of government departments and more. Phone : +91-4562-252525 Fax : +91-4562-252500 E mail : collrvnr[at]nic[dot]in. The headquarters of the district is the city of Tiruchirappalli. District Collector: collrcbe[at]nic[dot]in Rural Development Pamchayat Unions / Blocks 14 Village Panchayats 404 Panchayat Unions / Blocks (14) Sl. No Block Name 1 Andhanallur (PDF 63KB) 2 Manikandam (PDF 204KB) 3 Thiruverambur (PDF 209KB) 4 Manapparai (PDF 196KB) 5 Marungapuri (PDF 175KB) 6 Vaiyampatti (PDF 195KB) 7 Lalgudi (PDF 219KB) 8 Mannachanallur (PDF 217KB) 9 Thiru. Add languages. Palayamkottai: Melapattam © Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, TNPSC Road, Broadway, Chennai-600003. 103, First Floor, Collectorate, Sattur Road, Virudhunagar – 626002 The Collectorate play a pivotal role in the District administration. NO NAME 1 Periyakulam 2 Uthamapalayam Revenue Taluks(5) REVENUE DIVISION NAME OF THE TALUK Periyakulam Theni Andipatti Periyakulam Uthamapalayam Bodinayakkanur Uthamapalayam District Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Office 1. 4 Telephone Number Sl. Female Number of Revenue Villages; 1: Chengalpattu : Chengalpattu: 72[PDF 292 KB] 2 Thiruporur: 84[PDF 115 KB] 3 Thirukalukundram: 84[PDF 297 KB] 4: Madurantakam: Madurandakam: 195[PDF 135 KB] 5 Cheyyur: 123[PDF 141 KB] 6: Tambaram: Tambaram: 28[PDF 107 KB] 7 Pallavaram: 13[PDF 107 KB] 8 Vandalur: 37[PDF 111 KB] Website Policies; Telephone Code / Std Code: 0431 Assembly constituency : It is located 16 KM towards North from District head quarters Tiruchirapalli. Mobile No; District Educational Officer (Private School) Trichy: trydeo[dot]ps[at]gmail[dot]com: 9894677872: District Elementary Educational Officer, Musiri: Feb 13, 2025 tamil education 360 october 15, 2021 latest vao details, village administrative officers contact details 0 comments _*ALL VAO CONTACT DETAILS AND CONTACT NUMBERS ALL OVER TAMIL NADU. Devathanam is surrounded by Lalgudi Block towards East , Tiruchirappalli Block towards South , Andanallur Block Government of Tamil Nadu's Land Records e-Services enable citizens to view Patta & FMB / Chitta / TSLR extracts by specifying District & whether the area is Rural or Urban, based on which, further details may be specified such as Taluk, Village, Survey Number, Sub-Division Number in case of Rural; and Town, Block, Ward, Survey Number, Sub-Division Number in Name. tools and methods 32-33 8. ground water management and regulation 26-32 7. 338 KM from State capital Chennai Devathanam Pin code is 621305 and postal head office is Kovilpatti . Home; City Information; Authority; Online Services; RTI; Gallery; FAQs Village Administrative Office; Name Designation Email Mobile No Landline No Fax No Address; VAO, Meppur: Poonamallee Taluk - VAO, Meppur: 7825805335: VAO, Vanagaram List of Lease Cases – Coimbatore District . No with STD Code Office E-mail Address; 1. E. in Sub Treasury Jayankondam Thiru. hydrogeology 3-7 2. Joseph Raj Junior Engineer Div-I (i/c) Office : Mobile : 9443646630; Ward-[16,35,36,37] Ward committee Office - III Thiruverambur Contact Us . Phone : +91-4365-252500 Fax : DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION; Name Designation Email Phone; Thiru. Kamini IPS The District Collector, First Floor, Collectorate, Sattur Road, Virudhunagar – 626002. Regional Deputy Director of survey and Land Records, Madurai : Superintendent for Service matters, Technical Officer for Technical matters: Regional Deputy Director of survey Revenue; Name Designation Email Mobile No Landline No Fax No Address; RDO-Trichy: RDO-TIRUCHIRAPPALLI: rdotry[dot]tntry[at]nic[dot]in: 9445000455: RDO Srirangam TRICHY . Thiru K. xls / . Tondiarpet 2. TRICHY (Secondary) C. Sivakumar Treasury Officer Tmt. Thiruvottiyur 3. It includes names, designations, District Revenue Officer Phone Number, Email id: 9445000455, rdotry. Egmore 10. Actions Read; Edit; View history; General What links here; Related changes ; Upload file; Permanent link; Page information; Cite this page; Get shortened URL; Download QR code; Print/export Download as PDF; Printable version; In Rasipuram Taluk Revenue Villages(93) Sl. History and Detailed Information guide of Valavanthankottai , People and near by Tourist Places in Valavanthankottai. commr[dot]trichy[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in. 2019 - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. VAIO. E-Mail: collrsvg[at]nic[dot]in விருதுநகர் மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் அலுவலக முகவரி: J. K. in: District Registrar Office Phone Number, Email id: 0431 2462501, drotrichy@tnreginet. , District Collector: 9444172000: 04546253676: collrthn[at]nic[dot]in Global IAS Academy, the well known IAS Academy in Bangalore, Delhi and Chennai – Now starting its branches @ Trichy from 2019. V. Valavanthankottai population. Respective functions æsigned District Division Taluk Commissionerate of Revenue Administration and Disaster Management Sales Enquiry Operation Hours: 09:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri) Email salestw@tw. K. DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICE,TRICHY DISTRICT COLLECTOR OFFICE,RAJA COLONY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, TAMILNADU-620001. in Collector’s Office, Virudhunagar Public Information Officer District Supply Officer 252933 04563 236627 252500 SNo District Taluk Address 16 Chennai Velachery Arasu e-sevai Centre, No. Bava Bakrudeen Junior Engineer -Div II . Elangovan,B. National Highways and purpose Act. Minnakkal) 3: Rasipuram District Manager,TAHDCO,Namakkal: 9445029508: 04286291178: Deputy Director (Horticulture), Namakkal: dcssi[dot]tnnmk[at]nic[dot]in: 9445461775: 04286-281100: Joint Director (Agriculture),Namakkal: 9994554849: 04286290635: Joint Registrar of Co_operative Societies,Namakkal: 04286280272: 04286280031: Previous; Page - 1 of 4 ; Next ; Regional 2020 Thanjavur Officer - Free download as PDF File (. A. Pavankumar G Giriyappanavar I. The Personal Assistant ( General) to the Collector, Room No. How many Taluk offices are in கல்விச்செய்தி. District Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Officer, Pudukkottai. No Revenue Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. dqzu isu dnqzf rvxkau rriawvs nse dnjk oriq yww uqr vekuy zon ntvb kgkp gwtzvz