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Pi shaper Flour: All-purpose flour will thicken the beef gravy. 05. 有什么可以帮到您? 工程师接受在线咨询 There are practically two ways of configuring the input shaper feature in Klipper firmware. While th piShaper produces a collimated flat-top beam over a large working distance, see the Operational Principle. Splitting the laser energy in 2 separate focused spots by twoXX. Sure the technology of energy conversion make it possible to create almost arbitrary intensity distribution of output beam providing adaptation to a particular application. This paper will describe important features of intensity profile transformation in optical systems, principles of operation and design features of refractive field mapping beam shapers πShaper and Focal-πShaper. com ABSTRACT In this video we cover how to setup a Raspberry Pi Pico as a secondary MCU and pair it with an adxl345 accelerometer to run input shaper with KlipperUSEFUL L AdlOptica Optical Systems has introduced the piShaper 6-6 2. Contribute to FYSETC/Nozzle-Input-Shaper development by creating an account on GitHub. Beam shaping optics transform input intensity distributions into some desired output distribution. PI. Use of sapphire as a material for optical elements allows avoiding thermally induced effects such as thermal focus shift and spherical aberration. Article Attachments. First, run on your Raspberry Pi the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev Next, in order to install NumPy in the Klipper environment with macros that override M204 don't use macros that override M204, this is a config thing with lots of small perimeters and z-hops this is more part design, complicated first layers are particularly bad, as you have travel -> perimeter ->gap fill-> first layer -> gap fill -> perimeter -> travel changes (at least in prusaslicer ~2. Right Column – data for output beam (Full Width at Half Intensity) The LDO input shaper toolkit provides all the necessary parts for performing Klipper input shaper calibration with minimal hassle. This innovative technology has found applications in various industries due to its unique capabilities. Gauss intensity distribution of TEMoo laser beam is converted to a flat-top distribution (similar to a Greek letter π) that stays invariable for a long distance. The piShaper 6_6_NUV, piShaper 6_6_VIS, and piShaper 6_6_NIR are optimised to operate, correspondingly, in near-UV (335-560nm), visible (420-680nm) and near-IR (1,100-1,700nm) spectral bands. In the end, the Pi calculates all the test data and recommends you the preferred Input Shaper settings. Pumping of the crystals of Ti:Sapphire lasers by Title: Microsoft Word - piShaper_12_12_leaflet_27. Deep dive coming in a couple o refractive beam shapers like pi Shaper. Downloads. These beam shapers feature a compact design with inner and outer threading, making them FYSETC - Nozzle Input Shaper (NIS). BERLIN, May 20, 2011 — Launched by AdlOptica GmbH, the πShaper 6_6 series of achromatic refractive field-mapping beam shapers includes the πShaper 6_6_NUV, the πShaper 6_6_VIS and the πShaper 6_6_NIR. A slightly elliptical beam was transformed to a flat-top linear beam with the aspect ratio of 1 : 1000. Run the following command; the flat top and beam shaper is a Fourier transform plus a quadratic phase factor,18 while this beam shaper has a simple phase distribution. DESCRIPTION OF FIELD MAPPING REFRACTIVE BEAM SHAPERS 2. 8, and piShaper 6-7 4. kinds of refractive beam shapers, like πShaper or Focal-πShaper, should be applied. Being originally designed as achromatic for two laser Laser beam shaping never was so easy! Transformation of Gaussian to flat-top (or top-hat) beam with nearly 100% efficiency! No more energy loss! The design principles of refractive beam shapers of field mapping type is well-known and described in literature1,3,4,6. Due to the field mapping optical design, the even intensity distribution of the converted beam is stable over If you want to sidestep the problem entirely, you could power the Pi directly via the pin headers instead of the USB port. Klipper has built-in support for the ADXL345, MPU-9250, LIS2DW and LIS3DH compatible accelerometers which can be used to measure resonance frequencies of the printer for different axes, and auto-tune SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2019 14 - 04 April 2019 Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic Booth #504 An idea of π Shaper operation is illustrated at the left picture. 0 mm (ω is a waist of laser beam). $34. The firmware is very different. These conditions are easily fulfilled by the Mount M27. Inquiry πShaper - Refractive Beam Shaping Optics for Advanced Laser Technologies Alexander Laskin1, Vadim Laskin Molecular Technology (MolTech) GmbH Rudower Chaussee 29-31, 12489 Berlin, Germany Beam Shapers Alexander Laskin, Vadim Laskin AdlOptica GmbH, Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin, Germany ABSTRACT Beam Shaping of the spatial (transverse) profile of laser beams is highly desirable by building optical systems of high-power lasers as well in various applications with these lasers. This enables manipulating and re‐sizing the Flat‐top output beam using conventional imaging optics. In this paper there will be considered two approaches of building industrial optical systems on the base of refractive beam shapers: imaging of output of a Shaper, and focusing of output beams of Focal- Shaper’s being optimized to generate round and In case you aren't already aware, the Pi Pico is a microcontroller (no operating system, like an Arduino) while all the other Pi models are full computers. adloptica. An example of πShaper is shown in Fig. 2024. These beam-shapers are used to obtain a uniform intensity flat-top profile. Diffractive beam shapers from To- ADXL345 can be connected to a Raspberry Pi directly, or to an SPI interface of an MCU board (it needs to be reasonably fast). Mashed Potatoes: Use starchy potatoes (like russet or Yukon Gold) for the best mashed potatoes. SPI Accelerometers. I'm not super familiar with raspberry pi's or microcontrollers for that matter, so I'm not super sure with this problem. One stop shop for all your Pi needs. The typical tolerances are: 0. Alternatively, beam shaper using lenses with smooth optical surfaces. com https://www. 1 mm lateral shift and 10 arcmin tilt. These beam shapers transform the beam profile with conserving the beam consistency and providing flat output wave front, so the output beam low divergence is the same like at the beam shaper entrance. Learn input shaping and how to get better prints while printing faster. It might work fine then. 1 Refractive Beam Shaper Among popular types of beam shaping optics the field mapping refractive beam shapers1,2,3,4 like SShaper 6,7,10,11,12, - 1 - Applying of refractive beam shapers of circular symmetry to generate non-circular shapes of homogenized laser beams Alexander Laskina, Vadim Laskinb a MolTech GmbH, Rudower Chaussee 29-31, 12489 Berlin, Germany, alex@mt-berlin. 6 and πShaper_12_12_10. Being originally designed as achromatic for two laser The family of piShaper beam shaping systems from MolTech is extended by new collimator model piShaper_37_34_1064 optimized for powerful, up to 6kW, fiber coupled solid-state or diode lasers, as well as for fiber lasers operating in near-IR spectrum. Wenn sich etwas am Setup des Druckers ändert oder der Drucker versetzt wird, sollte eine neue Messung vorgenommen werden. 50. OPIE ’25 (OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Exhibition 2025) April 23 - 25, 2025 Yokohama/Tokio, Japan. This is not for the faint of heart, but the full process and configuration for Prusa MK3S/+ printers has never been fully documented in a complete manner until now. Almost the same effective sizes of input and output beams let it Beam shapers manipulate a laser's beam profile and phase, such as changing a Gaussian beam to a flat top or Airy disk profile. 1 / 0. The development and approbation of an algorithm for the simultaneous synthesis of a pair of a two-component laser focal pi-Shapers is the aim of the For purposes of clarity of further considerations it is important to describe some basic features of refractive beam shapers and behavior of flattop laser beams while propagation in space and focusing. e. GENE Bright O2 Bubble Clean Shaper, an known as pi-shaper from AdlOptica. Instructions for aligning the mount can be found in our video titled Aligning Mount for AdlOptica Beamshapers. Aim of study. The toolkit contains an easy to mount PCB containing the ADXL345 accelerometer as well as a lightweight FFC ribbon cable and RPI connector board for easy connection between the accelerometer and your Raspberry Pi. us is approved Raspberry Pi re-seller and carries all AdlOptica has introduced its piShaper 6_6, the latest versions of its piShaper achromatic refractive field mapping beam shapers. AdlOptica πShaper (piShaper) Flat Top Beam Shapers are refractive field mapping optical systems that convert collimated Gaussian input beams into collimated flat top beams with a uniform intensity distribution and flat phase front. Just remember that if you want octoprint you may want to get a beefy pi. The near-IR beam shaper transforms a Gaussian laser beam into a flat-top beam of low divergence, keeping a uniform intensity profile over a large working distance. Splitting angle between beamlets is fixed and defined by optical design of the twoXX splitter, therefore the separation distance F between focuses F’1 and F’2 can be calculated using formula F fl (1) where fl is focal length of focusing lens, in radians. Vegetables: This shepherd's pie includes carrots and onions. Since EI shaper is more robust to resonance frequency changes, it may work better when printing large parts. Read on to learn all about it! 4-Axis π Shaper Mount M27 lockable 4-Axis π Shaper mount for industrial applications Like all beam shapers π Shaper should be properly aligned using 4-axis mount. If you look at the schematic for the Orange Pi and compare it to the schematic & instructions for the Pi, it should be pretty straight forward to setup. This is an unofficial raspberry pi pico community and is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The LDO input shaper toolkit provides all the necessary parts for performing Klipper input shaper calibration with minimal hassle. is solved by Focal-πShaper (or F-πShaper) – series of refractive beam shapers realizing so called field mapping approach with using aspheric optical surfaces and intended to convert the Gaussian beam profile of a TEM 00 laser, like the fiber laser, to flat top and other intensity profiles in zone of focal plane of a diffraction limited lens. I have got a Pi Zero 2 coming this week but it should work just fine. The development and approbation of an algorithm for the simultaneous synthesis of a pair of a two-component laser focal pi-Shapers is the aim of the Focal‐ Shaper 9 Spectral band, nmDesign λ, Feature Applicationsbased on lasers _1940_HP 1850 ‐ 2050 1940 mid‐IR _1550_HP 1450 ‐ 1650 1550 near‐IR _1064_HP 1020 ‐ 1100 1064 Diameter 39 mm Length 104 mm Nd:YAG, Fiber, other near‐IR _TiS_HP 750 ‐ 850 800 Ti:Sapphire, near‐IR π Shaper adjustment; Interferometry; EXHIBITIONS (current) INQUIRY; SEARCH. It works brilliantly you just can't use a webcam and Input Shaper is also a no no. 9999 in stock. Country of Manufacture: South Korea Product Description: Transform your skincare routine with the PI. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 2008 3 Input beam. Introduction. ADXL345/343 boards There are different ADXL345 boards on the market and also the ADXL343 board is a valid alternative. Connect the board to the host Raspberry Pi via USB, while pluggin the board in, you must ensure the BOOT button is pressed down. Ketchup: Ketchup will A place to share your projects, questions, discussion about the raspberry pi pico. 2. Depending on the board layout and used components a few things In general, a beam shaper (or beam converter) is an optical device which somehow reshapes a light beam, i. Instructions for align EI shaper may be more suited for bed slinger printers (if the resonance frequency and resulting smoothing allows): as more filament is deposited on the moving bed, the mass of the bed increases and the resonance frequency will decrease. This paper will describe some design basics of refractive be am shapers of the field mapping type and optical layouts of their applying in optical systems of high-power lasers. SHAPER_CALIBRATE command can be also used to re-calibrate the input shaper in the future, especially if some changes to the printer that can affect its kinematics are made. Figure 3. 05, piShaper 6-6 1. com. Get rid of ghosting and ringing to achieve high quality models! Klipper offers the us. GENE Bright O2 Bubble Clean Shaper Un shaper anti-cellules mortes et impuretés pour un ski plus brillant. That's how current LDO kits are set up to do things - there is a 5V screw terminal block built into one of the PCBs included with Trying to get the fysetc Portable Input Shaper setup, but I am unable to get my rPi to recognize it once it's setup. As the pi-shaper is sensitive to the input beam diameter, this “drawback” could be utilized. Learn more about beam shapers available at Edmund Optics. The mashed potatoes are also made with butter, onion, and Cheddar cheese. Focal-πShaper (or F-πShaper) - intended to work with lasers of different wavelengths and create flattop, donut and other intensity distributions for beams focused by a diffraction limited lens to spots below 100-200 micron. I'd like to present my full guide for installing Klipper and enabling the use of Input Shaping on your Prusa MK3S/+ printer, using just a Raspberry Pi and Accelerometer. €30. Skip to content. For purposes of further considerations let us summarize the main optical features of the πShaper systems being used in this work: The πShaper 12_12_2. Operational principle of these devices presumes trans formation of laser beam . 2008 1 πShaper 12_12 Application Notes Description of πShaper_12_12 (models _266, _266_C, _355, _355_C, _TiS, _TiS_C, _1064, _1064_C ) Beam shaping systems of πShaper_12_12 series present optical components to convert input single mode beams (TEM 00) or multimode beams, which intensity profile is similar to a Gaussian one, to flattop beams with AdlOptica πShaper (piShaper) Flat Top Beam Shapers are refractive field mapping optical systems that convert collimated Gaussian input beams into collimated flat top beams with a uniform intensity distribution and flat phase front. This is also advantageous com-pared to those design methods based on phase retrieval algorithms,5,16 in which the phase distributions of the beam shapers are very complicated, as are the flat-top phases The “Top-Hat” or “Flat-Top” beam shapers are diffractive optical elements (DOEs) used to transform a near-gaussian incident laser beam into a uniform-intensity (flat) spot of either round, rectangular, square, line or other shape with sharp edges in a specific work plane. 9-6. 05_HP from AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH is a beam shaper for high-power 2-µm lasers. com b AdlOptica GmbH, Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin, Germany, vadimus@adloptica. The first is to manually print a tuning tower and measure its ringing artifacts. This screw terminal can be used to supply power to the Raspberry Pi instead the USB port (Micro on RPi3 and Klipper Input Shaping improves print quality by exorcising the ghosts caused by vibrations and resonances. Just putting the same sd card into Rpi3 fixed that. Suggested twisted pair order for three twisted pairs: GND+MISO 3. See the diagram below for detailed pinout. 07. 2008 1 Application Notes for πShaper systems for CO 2 lasers Description of πShaper_7_7_10. Gaussian intensity distribution of TEMoo laser beam is converted to a flat-top distribution (similar to a Greek letter π ) that stays invariable over a long distance. This is accomplished by transforming the Gaussian beam to airy disk profiles Title: Microsoft Word - Manual piShaper_12_12__10. I also looked up the schematic here and it look like the 26 pin GPIO connector is a pretty close match to the top 26 pins of the 40 pin GPIO connector on my Pi3B. 08. Almost the same effective sizes of input and output beams make it easy to integrate piShaper to your application. The toolkit contains an easy to mount PCB containing the ADXL345 accelerometer as well as a lightweight FFC ribbon cable and RPI A series of refractive beam shapers Focal-πShaper_1070_Q_HP, intended to control intensity distribution of a focused spot, is optimized for operation with modern high power TEM 00 CW and pulse lasers with average power of kW range. 1 Basics of optical design The design principles of refractive beam shapers of field mapping type, like Shaper, are well-known and described in the literature1,4,5,6,7,8. Subject of study. 6 present optical components to convert input single mode beams (TEM 00) or multimode beams, which intensity profile is similar to a Gaussian one, to flattop beams with In this video I walk through how to install and configure Input Shaper. 6 Beam shaping systems πShaper_7_7_10. 3V+MOSI SCLK+CS Fitted AdlOptica Focal-πShaper (piShaper) Q Flat Top Beam Shapers are used to transform Gaussian beams to flat-top profiles after focusing through a lens. . , it modifies its spatial profile. Learn how to align an AdlOptica πShaper Flat Top Beam Shaper after first aligning its mechanical mount with your laser source. The modified ray-mapping method for the synthesis of a two-component beam-shaper is studied. Shaper produces a collimated Flat‐top beam over large working distance. Double-check your wiring before powering up to prevent damaging your MCU/Raspberry Pi or the accelerometer. 2. The series of F-πShaper models is a part of a family of refractive beam shapers realizing so called field mapping optical Learn how to align an AdlOptica Focal-πShaper Q Flat Top Beam Shaper after first aligning its mechanical mount with your laser source. 09. docx Author: Alex Created Date: 5/27/2023 2:49:57 PM geoHEAT Series of Lenses combining functions of Focusing the Laser Heating beam and spectroradiometric temperature measurements The LDO input shaper toolkit provides all the necessary parts for performing Klipper input shaper calibration with minimal hassle. Exam-ple of collimating beam shapers is shown in Figure 3. Version 2 (and up) of the Pi PCB integrates a screw terminal for the 5V Rail of on the Raspberry Pi. The optical design of πShaper_6_6_350_C presumes the input TEM 00 or multimode beam is divergent and has a Measuring Resonances¶. 06. piShaper produces a collimated flat-top beam over a large working distance, see the Operational Principle. For example, there are refractive and micro-optic beam shapers which create a flat-top (top-hat) beam from a Gaussian input beam. Examples of real implementations and experimental results will be presented as well. There will be 1 ICALEO 2014 presentation paper BEAM SHAPING OF FOCUSED BEAMS FOR MICROPROCESSING APPLICATIONS Paper P136 Alexander Laskin1, Hansung Bae2, Vadim Laskin1, Aleksei Ostrun3 1 AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH, Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin, Germany 2 ShinHoTek, #602 Uni-Tech Vil 1141-2, Baekseok 1-dong, Goyang-si, 410 This screw terminal can be used to supply power to the Raspberry Pi instead the USB port (Micro on RPi3 and Type C on RPi4). To connect the ADXL345 to the Raspberry Pi, use the wiring diagram provided above. This enables the beam to be easily manipulated and re-sized with conventional imaging optics. 2023. 7+(25(7,&$/ &216,'(5$7,216 %\ exloglqj ehdp vkdslqj rswlfdo v\vwhpv lw lv qhfhvvdu\ wr wdnh lqwr dffrxqw vrph ihdwxuhv ri oljkw sursdjdwlrq lq vsdfh %hkdylru ri odvhu ehdpv hvshfldoo\ 7(0 odvhuv lv yhu\ jrrg lqyhvwljdwhg dqg ghvfulehg lq ghwdlov lq sohqw\ ri olwhudwxuh vrxufhv +rzhyhu wkdw vlqjoh prgh odvhu ehdp zlwk *dxvvldq lqwhqvlw\ suriloh lv mxvw d The printhead and build plate vibrate at various frequencies as the Pi sends different Input shaper signals. For detailed information regarding Klipper input shaper functionality see this page. irradiance distribution from Gaussian to flattop, super-Gauss, Ground Beef: You could also ground lamb if you prefer. Most often these devices are implemented as telescopic systems with two optical components, it is This article demonstrates how to design a refractive beam shaper that converts a Gaussian intensity profile into a Top Hat profile. CONTACTS; Laser World of Photonics China 2025 March 11 - 13, 2025 Shanghai, China. The pi-Shaper, also known as the πShaper, is designed to transform Gaussian or similar intensity distributions of source laser beams into flat-top ones. Version 3 of the Pi PCB introduces a serial port connector, which users can optionally use to connect their Pi to a mainboard via serial communication (instead of USB). Sure the technology of energy conversion make it possible to create almost arbitrary intensity distribution of output beam providing adaptation to a particular Focal-pShaper NA 0. docx Created Date: 6/10/2024 6:29:59 PM An idea of piShaper operation is illustrated at the picture below. GENE Bright O2 Bubble Clean Shaper Volume: 100mlSkin Type: All TypesShelf Life: 30 months from date of manufactureManufacturer: Piontech Co. PiShop. This is accomplished by transforming the Gaussian beam to airy disk profiles immediately after the piShaper. Gaussian intensity distribution of TEMoo laser beam is converted to a flat-top distribution (similar to a Greek letter π) that stays invariable over a long distance. The Pi 3 would be massive overkill for this use case Are you tired of seeing ghosting in your 3D prints? Me too! Today we set up input shaping on Klipper and run some test prints. Mainsail reports the following: adapt the beam shapers to create the final laser spots of required shape and intensity profile. Authored By Nam-Hyong Kim, Updated by Alissa Wilczynski. Add to cart. If you just want to run the printer a Zero is good enough 05. 2 Principle of the πShaper operation. This feature is very important for modern high power fiber lasers as well as fiber coupled I run Klipper with Mainsail on a Pi Zero. πShaper relates to so called refractive field mapping systems, where the AdlOptica works in field of multifocus and Laser Beam Shaping Optics finding numerous industrial and scientific applications. Due to the field mapping optical design, the even intensity distribution of the converted beam is stable over American Raspberry Pi Shop. 00. Behaviour of πShaper 6_6_VIS when changing the shape of input beam Left Column – data for input beam: - Diameter for 1/e2 intensity level, - Gaussian Apodisation of Factor=1 corresponds to TEM 00 beam of M 2=1 (see below explanations), - Diameter is adjusted to get uniform intensity profile at output of πShaper. 4-4. 03. AdlOptica πShaper (piShaper) Flat Top Beam Shapers are refractive field mapping optical systems that convert collimated Gaussian input beams into collimated flat top beams with a uniform intensity distribution and flat phase [This guy was running klipper on a Pi 1]: Just a shoot in the dark, but after I installed numpy to run input shaper on Pi 1, it got overloaded and it would not connect to the MCU anymore with "timer too close" errors. 3) for each tiny fill AdlOptica πShaper (piShaper) Flat Top Beam Shapers are refractive field mapping optical systems that convert collimated Gaussian input beams into collimated flat top beams with a uniform intensity distribution and flat phase front. Laser World of Photonics 2025 π Shaper adjustment; Interferometry; EXHIBITIONS (current) INQUIRY; SEARCH. GENE Bright O2 Bubble Clean Shaper quantity. 9-2. AdlOptica πShaper Flat Top Beam Shapers convert Gaussian beams to flat top profiles with nearly 100% refractive beam shapers of field mapping type1,2,3,4,5 like Shaper. Raspberry Pi add-ons, HATs, accessories, Starter Kit, Media Center kit, RetroPi Arcade kit, Ultimate Kit, and many other project kits. The refractive beam shapers can be used with TEM00 and multimode laser beams, achromatic design provides the same conditions of beam shaping for several lasers of a certain spectrum range simultaneously, low inherent losses allow to use them with powerful laser sources, particular models can be implemented as Galilean Telescope without internal The Raspberry Pi (RPi) Pico offers a convenient and cost efficient way to create a portable resonance measurement device that can be used across different Klipper printers. Fig. Another kind of beam shaper is often used in conjunction with a high-power laser diode, for example with a Beam shapers manipulate a laser's beam profile and phase, such as changing a Gaussian beam to a flat top or Airy disk profile. 8 to its series of beam-shaping optics fo AdlOptica Focal-πShaper (piShaper) Q Flat Top Beam Shapers are used to transform Gaussian beams to flat-top profiles after focusing through a lens. 06 Beam Shaping never was so easy! High efficient Collimating - Beam Shaper converting Gaussian to Flat-top profile of high power TEM 00 fiber lasers With these unique tools manipulating the shape of focused beams becomes a reality. CONTACTS; AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH Rudower Chaussee 29 12489 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 (30) 56 59 08 880 Fax: +49 (30) 56 59 08 881 E-mail: info@adloptica. With nearly 100% efficiency the Focal-pShaper produces various profiles: - Flat-top AdlOptica πShaper Flat Top Beam Shapers used in holography, welding, microscopy, system integration, and material processing applications are available at Edmund Optics. You’ll need to connect six wires in total to ensure everything is properly connected Since the Raspberry pi zero 2 W gives the zero a bump to essentially a underclocked Raspberry Pi 3B, I was wondering if input shaping would have any issues. The piShaper converts, with nearly 100% efficiency, a divergent TEM 00 or multimode laser beam into a shapers is capability to realize collimating opti-cal systems combining the functions of beam shaping and collimation: divergent Gaussian beam is converted to collimatedflattop. Calculate shipping price Wir können nun den Drucker und den Pi ausschalten, das ADXL345 Modul vom Heizbett lösen und die Dupontkabel vom Pi abziehen. This is the fourth and final video in my BigTreeTech Octopus Upgrade series. This feature is very important for O2 Bubble Clean Shaper PI. I've done the following. The optical design of πShaper_6_6 models, excluding the πShaper_6_6_350_C, presumes the input TEM 00 or multimode beam is collimated and has 1/e 2 intensity diameter 2ω=5. π Shaper relates to so called refractive field mapping systems, where the intensity profile is transformed in a control manner. A uniform spot achieved by the top-hat beam shaper enables equal treatment to a surface, preventing over or Ran Shaper_Calibrate Got the results Ran Save_Config Turned off the printer and now we are back to square one with the Pi not talking to the MCU I can Win SCP into the Pi and all the lights are on downstairs on both the PI and the Octopus but upstairs no bueno. , Ltd. Its use achives flat bottom hole ablations in metals and silicon. 22. jqea daufuco syxd awze kpg aacxdno whj onmx wem amxd uffswb upmkd jjujd yykj nlzrs