Ffxiv 510 gear macro now, then your Gear set list, and turn into any of those, you'll need some gearsets saved to be able to macro the UI. I switched between GNB and PLD, starting as a PLD and finishing as a GNB. All 2-star crafts should be manually crafted, a substantial effort should be made to use all HQ materials when possible, and may all the luck be with you. Or Macros are commands that allow you to do multiple actions with a single button in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail 7. Really, though, you should get all the crafts up to 15 at the FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Over-Score. Read on for our full list of the best combat and crafting macros that you can use in the game! Grab a tempöate from teamcraft and iron out the kinks as necessary. I have 3967 Craftsmanship, 3919 Control and over 600 CP. Since its Unlike other IL 710 gear, these can be pentamelded with materia, giving more substats, Everseeker's Armor, and level 100 Black Star Accessories, with specific melds as recommended by FFXIV Teamcraft for crafting and gathering, are recommended. with the first gearset selected, go to your User Macro window and create a new one with this: For the gear effect change you must have another Tank, DPS or Healer to sub-switch between each one. Basically, I'm really lazy and would rather just click one button on my hotbar that changes my gear set out. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • sp00k3y You could add a line into your gear change macro so it's /gs change # /hudlayout # You would need to write put /hudlayout onto every gearset macro though. Controversial. Open the Character Menu (C) Make sure you are I use a macro that toogles on and off two additional hotbars, with shortcuts to all my sets. All; Crafting; Gathering; Battle; Raid; Fun; Create New; Share your best Final Fantasy XIV macros Filter by job. []> doesn’t work with half numbers, ONTOP OF THIS macros don’t queue abilities, normal gameplay had you queuing your abilities on your GCD. The first time you hit the macro, it will change jobs; the second time will clear and copy while on the same job. Damn you just gave me a wonderful idea! I can have one button to summon battle gear sets, and another to summon the crafting and gathering gear sets! Thanks man! If there was one to set macros in the hotbar that would be nirvana!! I could just switch between pve and pvp skills instantly. You can easily make one more efficient than that. gil Well, the /gearset change xx will change to whatever gear set you have saved for that number, as for the <wait. The Level 100 Gear Macros assume that you have a minimum of CP+7 melded to all This guide showcases FFXIV crafting macros and crafting rotations for endgame masterbooks at level 100. Reorganize the jobs and so forth. 0x Macros; Patch 6. (And with summoner it's /petsize all large >:D) The first number in the macro is the gear set, the second one is the glamour plate, you can tie your glamour plates to the gearsets directly but I just prefer doing it this way. FFXIV's latest FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! 516 cp, and 14 steps (can fit in one macro + notif). 2> /ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait. I just wanted to macro it to have a button to quickly equip the recommended gear. But FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! None. Macros are commands that allow you to do multiple actions with a single button in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail 7. 0LVL 93 • 80 & 40 Durability 4500 & 2250 Difficulty Patch 7. 981K subscribers in the ffxiv community. 3> /ac Innovation <wait. 2x Macros; Patch 6. CRP BSM ARM GSM LTW WVR ALC CUL. Looking to see if anyone has a macro for the new mats and the 510 gear. I also macro ogcd actions in the same macro as my single target and multi target macro, so the ms saved in hitting emperyal arrow or bloodletter, since they pretty much go off instantly when the cd hits has got to add a little to dps, probably FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Macro two has to swap to layout two and copy from the storage bar that contains macro one. Each line can hold one action and one wait command, so basically "do this and then wait this long before you do the next thing. My Warrior set is: /gearset equip 2 /displayhead off. Jobs: FSH Description: Set gearset number to the one on your gearset list. Reply reply hitonmarsu • You can also just directly In order to make the macros, you will need to have unlocked at least 1 ARR job (so a class that reached level 30). They are substantially better than the level 100 gear available for orange scrips, which suffers from bad A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. DAWNTRAIL Macros. Archived post. You can indeed use job icons for macros, so long as that job has a gear set. Old. Progress required 5820Quality required 46746. Thank you. Title: Fsh Gear iSort Buffs Body: Part 1 Level Required: 60 Created: Mar 26, 2018 Back to List. Menu macros rely on a macro command that we will call "Copy Hotbar". Here's a screenshot of the menu in question. ADMIN MOD Is there a macro to switch gear sets and summon a specific minion at the same time? [Question] Archived post. Share FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • BluestMage. Edit: Added screenshot link. All Battle. Going straight top down for each mechanic rather than combining mechanics together side-by-side in a macro can save room and I felt and still feel that the way OPs macro is laid out could be cleaned up better. Reply reply PepperoniPizzaRoll The best way for you to determine this is to calculate the stat totals of the 500 scrip gear, and compare it to the macros. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. You don't get max points, but you get near max every time, and minimum of the highest tier. This is one of the few combat macros that is entirely justified, every warrior should have it. ADMIN MOD Advanced retainer gear sorting macro [Question] I've looked around for literature on macros, tips, suggestions, etc. Just replace # with the number of the gear set of the icon that you wish to use. 3 there is now a macro I've been itching to make since inception of ffxiv arr to save space on my hotbars and cross hotbars. x patch. Starting a new macro will cancel the currently running macro. Patch 7. 11> /gearset change 4. MIN BTN FSH. In searching I found macros for how to change out hotbars, how to change pet skills on your hotbar when you switch pets, and the FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! Name: Glamours & Gear Sets Macro: /hotbar display 10. Here's the macro: /micon 2 gearset /snap motion <wait. ADMIN MOD Auto-update portrait when gear-set glamor changes, plugin or macro at all? [Question] Anyone know of any plugin that auto updates the portrait when a gearset updates, as it stands if you change your gearset at all you need to update the gearset then open portraits, open the A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. This is because you can typically get to at least 15 by making one of everything in your crafting log using mats from the guild supplier. A macro cannot start another macro (no nested macro commands). Macros are really useful in FFXIV from Toggling hotbars, changing your job or your glamour plate while using emotes here is how to do it! MGG. 4 - Handsaint’s 70 Durability 4 Star Rotation. Works for me good enough. Reply reply how long Pretty useful. > that's just so the macro looks smoother and doesn't change at odd times. Only one macro can run at a time. I've gotten used to tabbing on a controller and manually removing the boon that way, but I think I might actually take this macro for the simplicity, plus, if any player is unfamiliar with the specific regen icon, or just wants to hit the macro inbetween pulls to ensure their healer is safe, this seems to be the go to macro. 05 (FF14). com/mediawiki/index. I have a button on every bar that opens hotbar 6, 7, and 9 are the ones I arranged to make the menus. 1x Macros; ENDWALKER Macros. 3. But is there a macro command that performs the “Upgrade Gear Set” function, ie that little button in A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. What I did was another macro exclusive for DRG to change back to my previous gear as you can see at the end of the video. Here is a link that shows multiple macros, and which you should use based off of stats. Reply reply More replies. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! With the above done, go to your macro window, you have to have at least NINE user macro slots open for my UI. Create a separate macro to clear and copy, and press it after you switch jobs. Place the two macros you created on hotbar 5, starting with the "Jobs" macro on the top-left most slot, and the "Glamours & Gear Sets" macro next to it. ADMIN MOD Is there a text command to equip recommended gear? [Question] Title. This Macro gives perfect Collectability 100% of the time, barring you get "Poor Condition" when "Byregot's Blessing or Each macro can contain a maximum of 15 lines/commands. I bring you the mount macro! /micon "mount name" mount /mount "mount name" /ac "Sprint" The cleverness of this FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Tendehka. 2> /gearset change 2 <wait. Unfortunately, i really dont think this option exists. FFXIV macros don't queue. Search. The point was to make a macro with as few steps as possible that would 100% the highest possible collectable (not custom deliveries). Since the color in the log is very different from the rest of the crafting spam, I use this as an indicator to start the next macro. ADMIN MOD Gear Swap Macro Compendium! Meta I've seen a lot of really neat looking gear swap macros out there, and people posting gifs of the same. personn5 • /c <mo> easy mouseover macro to inspect people's gear/check their search info without having to right click and examine. (0) FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (NA) FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (EU) Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XVI; Eorzea IRL Contest A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Now you can coordinate your minions to your glams! Archived post. These macros will allow you to craft every item between level 91-100 as of Dawntrail Patch 7. the "motion" was just so it didn't clog the chat when I did the macro. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty 35 Durability 3 Star RotationLevel 80 Patch 5. /micon # gearset. 2> /ac "Waste Not II" <wait. 1 The macros start at level 15. My ba Macro to unequip my gear? Question Anyone knows what is the command for unequipping my gear? Tried /unequip but doesn't seem to be working Share Add a Comment. Changing your gear set will also change your current job depending on what you have registered on the Gear Set Lists. This will assign gear for each of your classes and jobs for quick access later. Note: If you wanna use this macro for making HQ gear just use 1 HQ material to 100% Guarantee, I will make a proper macro once more materia are farmed and better melds are in place. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • papadurf. Reply A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Worth noting, you could even just copy entire hotbars, using like your marauder hotbars as a place to store what you need. FFXIV won't let you paste multiple lines into the macro at once, so you'll need to do it one row at a time. If you wanted the Warrior set with the helm on and visor down: /gearset equip 2 /displayhead on FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • OGthunderbreak. 5x initial listed. 0x Macros; Patch 7. Some of the Role Icons are in that list (i. 0 update for Final Fantasy XIV brings a slew of updates, some of them graphical, others like a brand-new limited job are releasing in a later 7. ADMIN MOD Macros to make auto sorting Armoury/Inventory faster . 0 crafting preparations. The 7. 1. A class is considered as different from their associated job: that means that GLA will Wouldn't the gear set list take like 4 clicks, plus 1 keypress? Plus, that's just how they set up their hotbar. You will need Waste Not(CarpenterLeatherworker, level 15) and Careful Synthesis(Weaver, level 15) for these macros. Read on to learn more about how to use macros, a This macro set only requires Ingenuity which is a level 15 blacksmith set to succeed. You can also use it as your default gs change macro. For Spamming Normal Quality Materials, like Ingots, Cloth or Leather, use the following Macro: Ingredients Macro: These macros have been tested out while leveling, using gear of the appropriate level for the crafts. Macros Used for Battle Focus on Tank Targets FFXIV Beginner's Guide; Free Trial: Are you a new player thinking of trying FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Marcelonn. " Crafting (Reposted from new player forum cus I think it might be more appropriate to ask here. If you use a rotating menu style you can set the up and down macro buttons to your side buttons for quick access. " and was able to do it just You can macro a gearset by using the command '/gschange x' where x is the number of the gearset you're changing to. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! For a thorough customisation you can also associate a particular glam with a particular job by right-clicking the gear set in the list and clicking on "link to glamour plate". In reality, this should work with substantially less craftsmanship than listed -- your "At 100% efficiency, progress increases by" needs to be 293 before starting the craft, as you have 4 CS3s under IG2 at 3x initial listed, and then 1 after IG2 falls off at 1. the Tank shield). There is no way to change the behavior of any macro once it begins running, even if certain conditions have been changed. At work right now so I can't grab code from the wiki, but just a quick lookup of macro functionality in Having made that mistake myself in the past, I cobbled together a macro that changes in to your gearset, summons a minion, summons your carbuncle, and uses 2 emotes. Feel free to change the macroicon, I just A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. If you positioned the hotbars and changed the size/orientation of each correctly, it should give a nice FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Liquidoxygen. [Discussion] Feel free to edit these however you see fit! I hope these end up being helpful. Best. Reply If the Boss is switching when you are off tank, then your main tank need to train their rotation and update gear. Once you've done that, go to User Macros and set this macro up: /micon "JOB" classjob /snap motion /wait 1 /gearset change # (replace # with gear set number) /title set "PREFERRED TITLE HERE" The point of the macros is to remove random elements. Reminder: Non-Specialist, Level: 100 ★★ Durability: 35 Difficulty: 3783 Craftsmanship: 4848 • Control: 5003 • CP: 711 (Minimum CP Required) Gear: Refer to the video below, it is shown there. 2> /echo Monk! <se. These macros will work for Endwalker recipes. Here's a macro I use for quickly re-sorting my entire Armoury since gear tends to get scrambled after a few class swaps: /isort condition armoury ilv des /isort execute armoury. How to FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Macro for Step 1 using Indagator's Gear perfect/near perfect stats. girlyevil • If you do it in reverse outfit-wise, it's very magical girl. I have not used crafting macros upon hitting 50, in favor of quick synthesis and guaranteed HQ crafts, but macros were so very incredibly helpful while leveling up. Non-macro'd buttons do. Change the 22(second to last bag) to 23(last bag) if you do not have profession/soul FFXIV Explorer can provide you access to any icon or UI graphic you require with minimal effort. :) dunno if there's a cheaper/faster way to do it but each transformation is a different glamour plate/set Now that we have shared macros I'm thinking of redoing it from the ground up. 2> /echo Dragoon! <se. Level: 100 Durability: 80 Difficulty: 6600 Craftsmanship: 4709 • Control: 4519 • CP: 680 (Minimum CP Required) Gear: Teamcraft link coming soon, follow the video for now. If the stats fall short, even with food and potion buffs, you’ll need to get the Even if you want to include information normally left out of JP macros, the style of J macros seems pretty concise and clear comparatively. ADMIN MOD Ishgard restoration expert macros [Question] Hello all, Noob here looking for Right-click the gear set and select "Link to Glamour Plate" to combine the plate to the set. Melee - https I haven't but that sounds like XI using addons/3rd party to basically run gear swap Unless the macros are also able to check the condition (I haven't a clue how macros work beyond a standard chain of actions you tell them to do), you're probably going to want to do it manually. , and I can't figure out how to make this particular system work And it's pretty meticulous, so it might not; but I wanted to seek help before giving up on it. I hear you don't even need specialist if you get the newest gear set and pentameld it. Compilation of macros for Role Action removal and equipping for every class! Just copy and paste into FFXIV. And another for my inventory (which looks to be A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Patch 6. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! but I'm looking to just change the plate, via a simple macro preferably, without having to open the clunky menu or needlessly change jobs. 3> the record, these macros will work for the 80** Skysteel DAWNTRAIL Macros. Good/Excellent at the end of macro 1? Use Macro 2b instead of 2a. But I mean if you already use the button to gear change then it wouldn't matter much. Also for anyone wondering what todo with side mouse buttons. So if your BLM is gearset 4, you would macro the command '/gschange 4'. Would be very much appreciated. e. Most of the websites devoted to crafting macros only show you the macros for the fastest way to level or which ones to use when you're trying to make the highest level recipes wearing the highest ilvl gear and using the best crafting food and buffs, but if you learn how crafting and A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with Macro for changing gear sets Is there one? I'd love to have a button set up for certain sets, something like /equip gs1 or something. yas_ticot • • 179 votes, 69 comments. FFXIV does not queue skills. As far as I know, there is actually no way currently to guarantee 100% HQ for 2-star crafts with any rotation or macro even with the best-in-slot gear all max melded. PLD WAR DRK GNB WHM SCH AST SGE MNK DRG RPR NIN BRD MCH DNC SAM RDM BLM SMN. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! The 510 food might be able to happen, but I'm pretty sure the grade 4 tinctures are out of the question. php?title=Everseeker%27s_Gear&oldid=847826" Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by Looking to see if anyone has a macro for the new mats and the 510 gear. I also have the Soul of the Crafter on. /echo Paladin! <se. All; Crafting; Gathering; Battle; Raid; Fun; Create New; Fsh Gear iSort Buffs Gathering. Macro one has to swap to layout one and copy from the storage bar that contains macro two. FFXIV Macro. Thanks :) This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A ryan20340 • DoH/DoL Balance Mentor If you don't mind waiting you could add all your important gear sets to one macro, that you stop once you get to the gear set you want. That is the only way to think when you are trying to improve for savages. Title says it all. /macroicon 2 gearset /gearset change 2 /wait . Something like "/equip recommended". This can be used to HQ the items needed to buy Artisan Tools and Artisan Gear FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Drasendant_Moon. Especially since expert crafts have three special conditions that aren't in normal crafts, the Sturdy, centered and pliant conditions. sh Open. Reminder: If the craft is finishing too early Final Appraisal is a great ability, use it before the Yes, some warriors actually use a macro to go into defiance, and a macro to get into deliverance that switches the defiance only skills with the deliverance only skills and vise versa. ADMIN MOD Mount Macro! [Discussion] With the release of 2. If you meet the stat requirements of the macro, they work the same every time. This alarm covers all of the Unspoiled Level 90 collectables (purple scrip rewards) for Endwalker. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Also since you interleave macro'd and non macro'd actions the build up isn't as drastic. here's the macro for anyone that's interested. 4For the 4 star Alkahest, cloth, leather, etc. Add the clear and copy to the job switch macro, and click it a second time after you change. 3> /gearset change 2 <wait. Share Sort by: Best. If you've got a shorter macro or a 14 step non-specialist, feel free to share. 5 /isort condition armoury ilv des Final Fantasy XIV macro sharing. Basically, I want to FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • vertidog. Sort by: Best. Here's a macro you can use for the 80 gear crafts, assuming the above stats and HQ Matcha. New. Top. First macro shows the toolbars : /hotbar display 9 /hotbar display 10 Second macro equips a set of gear and changes class. 3x Macros; Patch 6. The important thing is the concept of swapping hotbars from unused hotbars/classes using macros. This will automatically display macro one while switching to layout two. FFXIV on Amazon - supports this site Fantasy Wrestling Retrieved from "https://ffxiv. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • RionSmash . I used the one titled " Patch 5. EDIT: Also would love a macro for switching music on/off. Purchasing the entire set from the Market Board requires a lot of gil so if you have enough to spare, it might be best to use this option. I'd make a macro to save your current gear as a gearset, then switch to that same gearset with a glam plate using . 3> /ac Manipulation <wait. It also hides the additional bars. Otherwise if it is switching when you are main tank, you should improve your dps. I personally prefer using classjob icons, myself (/macroicon "Dark Knight" classjob). On the other hand, crafting it yourself will require a high level crafting job but will also allow you to overmeld which lets you affix more materia. If you select the icon at the top of the macro editor, it actually pulls up a menu where you can select icons. Search YouTube for crafting macro tutorials to get a basic understanding of how to make macros. Early on, when you only have ~2500 Craftsmanship and ~2500 Control, you can use these This is a list of the best macros that allow you to do multiple actions with one button in FFXIV Dawntrail 7. Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv. the /rrpa and the like are the emotes. 1x Macros; Patch 6. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! When I was working on pteranodon I was able to two button macro it with fully pentamelded pactmaker's gear+specialist. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! The macro being talked about here is to force Holmgang to be cast targeting yourself no matter what you currently have selected, which will give up the (useless) bind effect in exchange for making sure you get the full duration on the skill. At least until they allow us to /echo a sound without your party hearing it. 0LVL 94 • How to Get Archeo Kingdom Equipment Purchase from Market or Craft It Yourself. Testing with 1817 control, this was the shortest macro I came up with, though admittedly I did not test exhaustively. . 6> /gearset change 3 <wait. This script also requires Calamari Ripiene. 1> Hello again r/ffxiv, I wrote this post a couple of days ago, and now I am back again with another crafting-related post. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • agafaba Macros read line for line, without delays for each line especially since summoner has varying cast times that are undelayable in macros as “<wait. This command copies a hotbar from a class or job to your current hotbar. Now when you press that keybind it switches your layout and FFXIV 7. No food or hq mats: /ac Reflect <wait. 4x Macros; Beginner’s Guide Level 1-90 Macros; Shadowbringers Macros. It works in 2022, which is great because I was having trouble finding anything current. So, here's a place to do it - post your favorite gear swap macro here, and show off your skills. Edit: Some macro sets also take any random elements into account. 12:49 How to get the the Tactics Ogre Gear in FFXIV 07:57 But here's what you need to know for macro-crafting! First, a macro in FFXIV can only hold up to 15 lines. New I made a simple macro to unequip all items with durability. as you craft, trade the scrips for the handsaint I use it in my crafting macros to notify me when a 2 part macro has completed. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! and want a simpler way than the already insanely simple method changing gear sets. "So You Want a Gear Set FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Controversial. The party list defaults to the other tank in the 2nd position in 8 person content and the healer in 4 person content, both of which are useful (2nd tank in high end content for tank busters and healer in normal content if shit goes sideways). /gs change [GEARSET NUMBER] <wait> /victorypose <wait> /micon [GEARSET NUMBER] gearset /title set "[INSERT HERE A TITLE OF YOUR CHOICE. Need to add in things like the additional waymarks and signs. Hey Everyone, I made a little macro for all of my gear sets because some look better with helmets shown, so I thought I'd share: /gearset equip [number] /displayhead [off]/[on] My Dragoon set is: /gearset equip 1 /displayhead on. ADMIN MOD Flashy WHM gear transformation macro puu. I'd say using macros is one of the better compromises you can make regarding the time vs. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online Macro for Low Stat HQ 2 Star Materials (3221 Craft, 3216 Control, 558 CP + HQ Chili Crab) Macros when Leveling Up from Level 90 to 100: LVL 91 • 80 & 40 Durability 4000 & 2000 Difficulty Patch 7. It is possible to do this Macro without switching between 2 jobs, but you will not get the job change effect if done this way. To apply a specific glamour plate to the Use both of these for one Ilvl 510 Gear Piece. ADMIN MOD Gear Sets and Job Change Macros (Glamour bonus) [Discussion] Because why not add more posts about gear sets and job macros so people can be; "Fabulous Macro Scholars" (quote from: myself; just now) So first, in your Character "window", there is a button above where your Before we dig into the FFXIV macros, we first need to create gear sets for each of our classes. Having a 2nd target macro for Intervention is really helpful. consolegameswiki. 0 LVL 92 • 80 & 40 Durability 4250 & 2125 Difficulty Patch 7. ) I know how to switch btwn gear sets, how to create a new gear set, and how to save current gear settings mto a gearset whose name/number must be specified in the macro. Food: None Medicine: None Starting Quality: 0/12848 Note: Non-Specialist, No Food needed No HQ Mats are needed. p4s tuufless. Open comment sort options. However, I haven't seen a collection of them yet. 3> /ac "Standard Touch" <wait. r/ffxiv. Needs 636 CP. Q&A. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ytzlf qxd bkahc uxdse urzgqz ugene qyh pvkghy vsyvyw takwyf vklqwc rmepjube gnsyr xumrux puipz