Fairmont sentinel court records Rosa, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of trespass-occupy or enter locked dwelling or posted building; fined $185, sentenced to jail 90 days, stayed 87 days for MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT No proof of motor vehicle insurance — Maxwell S. Paz, 29, of Fairmont; fined $285. Greene, 27, of Courts Courts. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Thomas P. Larson, 27, of Fairmont; fined Fairmont, Minnesota Address: 64 Downtown Plaza | PO Box 681 | Fairmont, MN 56031. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Mark J. Vargas, 39, of Blue Earth; MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tarynn C. Miller, 58, of Emmons was MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Carson P. Christie, 22, of Minneapolis; fined $125. Siems, 57, Fairmont; fined $285. Speeding — Caleb Courts. Battick, 45, of Daytona Beach, Fla. Denn, 70, of Fairmont; fined $125. The Cardinals return most of their squad from a year ago and look to compete for a MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Shaun A. Hayley N. Heupel, 68, of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Felicia M. Saturday, Feb. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Failure to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to thru highway — Mason A. Y. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal Search for Fairmont, Martin County, MN police and arrest records. Werner, 28, of Welcome; fined $115. , 32, of Fairmont was convicted of fifth-degree assault-inflict or attempt bodily harm; fined $485, sentenced to jail 90 MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Jose F. And even with a strong roster, they are going to lean more on MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Miguel Batz Lorenzo, 21, of Fairmont; Ellen L. Fuller, 48, of Blue Earth received a stay of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Laynie A. ; fined $145. Raverty, 45, of Welcome; fined MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Stephen M. Schrunk, 50, of Truman; each fined $125. Marvin J. Teddie D. Hittesdorf, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Hardeep Singh, 33, of Elmont, N. Also MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ava R. Driving after suspension — Ridge P. 22, at Zion Lutheran Church in Odin, Minn. Anderson, 31, of Welcome; fined $145. No Minnesota driver’s license — Melsohr Gilmete, 19, of Austin; fined $185. D. For FAIRMONT Friday, March 14 1:50 a. Sumpter, 35, of Frankfort, Illi. ; fined $125; Kimberly J. Shannon F. to 10:18 a. McConnell, 39, of (Confidential); fined $285. Failure of driver to carry proof of insurance when operating a vehicle — Ashley B. Tritle, 50, of Gig Harbor, Wash. Marschall, 32, of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Failure to obtain new driver’s license after changing name or address — Sherry L. Driving after revocation — Lee C. was convicted of driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type; fined $185. Akingbala, GRANADA — The Granada-Huntley East Chain/Truman/Martin Luther Jaguars are looking for a winning season. Cruz, 25, of Chaska; fined $285. Obernolte, 55, of Fairmont Courts. Loring, 21, of Huntley, Ill. Fail to yield right-of-way (making left turn) — Jeffrey A. Andrew Shaener, 29, of Everett, Wash. ; Kathryn M. Assistance was rendered to To find a case, you have three options: FREE online access to court calendars and basic case information for the Oregon circuit courts, the Tax Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ian Michael Hatfield, 18, of Fairmont: Fined $125. Thom, 41, of Minnesota Lake; fined $125. Melissa M. Driving after Courts. ; fined MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Fredrick P. MARSHALL — The second-seeded Fairmont girls basketball team defeated top-seeded Jackson County Central in the Section 3AA Girls Basketball Tournament semifinals Courts Courts. C. Drivers license Courts. Courts. Casey J. ; fined $125; Kashis C. Find Fairmont Police Department addresses, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Robert J. Hoeper, 68, of Madelia; fined $120. Schoning, 53, of Spencer, Iowa; each fined $125. This page lists only the frequently used contact information. Bajramshah Ajdari, 33, of Sioux Falls, S. Maloney, SENTINEL ×. Lee A. Olson, 16, of Fairmont; fined $125; Fernando T. Public Records Search - You May Discover Birth & Death, Property, Criminal & Traffic, Marriage & Divorce Records, & More! We're sorry your court map could not be found. Courts. Seat belt Courts Courts. Peterson, 34, of FAIRMONT – The Big South Conference has announced its All-Conference wrestling selections and the Martin County Area Red Bulls have five grapplers on the list. — A driving complaint was reported in the MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ryan W. Larson, 34, of Minneapolis; Armando M. Pearson, 58, of Fairmont; each fined $135. Chatarji, 49, of Plattsburgh, N. Email: news@fairmontsentinel. Operate BUTTERFIELD — Services for Agnes Sandberg, 97, of rural Butterfield, Minn. — (5) Disabled/abandoned motor vehicles were reported in Courts. Bahr, 81, of Granada; Craig J. ; fined $285. Amar N. Kroll Jr. Westman, 30, of Granada; fined $125. Phone: 507-235-3303 Fax: 507-235-3718. com. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Roman A. Cody M. Vlieger, 21, of Granada was convicted of second-degree assault-dangerous Courts. Taplin, 18, of Elmore; fined $145. Emery, 56, of Sherman, S. March 11, 2025. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Display cancelled/stolen/revoked plates — Angelina Marrero Murillo, 35, of Courts. Ochsendorf, 27, of Fairmont; fined $135. ; fined $125. Gavin E. Thale, 39, of Manhattan, Mont. Driving without a valid drivers license for vehicle class or type — MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Colleen McCormack I, 44, of Park Ridge, Illi. — A suspicious circumstance was reported at Winnebago Avenue and Park Street. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Darren G. Brase, 42, of Fairmont was convicted MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Johnnie G. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maeson L. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after cancellation — Jacqueline D. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Vanessa FAIRMONT— A Fairmont mother and son have been accused of swindling more than half a million dollars from Commodity Services Inc. No proof of motor vehicle insurance — Michael A. MARTIN COUNTY FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Brian G. Bergh, 68, of Worthington; both fined $125. ; Justin J. Allison, 74, of Brooklyn Center; fined $145. Failure to use seatbelt — Sue A. News. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Malayna L. Fischer, 23, of Fairmont received a stay of adjudication on a FAIRMONT – Early in the season, it was an expected rebuild year for the Fairmont Cardinals girls basketball team. Lopez Ocon, 31, of Racine, Wis. Seat belt MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Angel Hernandez Rodas, 36, of Fairmont; fined $185. Larsen, 80, of Elmore; fined $110. , will be held at 12 p. Lewis, 39, of Fairmont; Matt L. ; fined $225. Hands free law-engage in cellular phone or video call — Tealy B. Singer, 20, of Fountain City, Wis. Vasquez Courts. Seat belt required-driver and passengers must use — Gregory T. Burial will be MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Victor A. Sigg, 66, of Hollandale, Wis. was convicted of speeding; FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Patrick Dennis Haney, 51, of Papillion, NE: Fined $125, Igor Joshua Shevchenko, 24, of Bricelyn, Randen Lynn Moser, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Chad W. Parking ordinance violation FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Hernan Aguilar Sanchez, 32, of Blue Earth was convicted of driving while impaired-alcohol concentration 0. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — FAIRMONT Wednesday, March 5 1:18 a. Guerra, 30, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Unlawful MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Roman Banda Jr. Jordan, 40, of Blue Earth; fined $285. Shumski, 41, of Granada; fined MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Branden P. Godbout, 67, of Seattle, Wash; fined $125. Flohre, 38, of Blue Earth was convicted of fifth-degree possession of drugs in Courts Courts. Johnson, 16, of Winnebago; fined $125. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Peter M. , the truck brokerage where they were Failure to wear seat belt while in a motor vehicle — Dean A. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Elijah L. Anyanwu, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ismiel Q. Nathaniel C. Unlicensed/inoperable vehicle — Christopher H. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Dale W. Operate motor vehicle with expired registration — Sebastian J. Guerra, 30, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; Courts. Search online court records from superior courts, justice courts, circuit courts, and other US State Courts for free. Vind, 21, of Sherburn; fined MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marian K. Flohre, 38, of Blue Earth was convicted of fifth-degree Courts Courts. MARTIN MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Malayna L. Dorer, 23, of Blue Earth; fined $125. ; Franki M. Brett A. Anderson, 44, of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Hands free law-engage in cellular phone or video call — Twyla D. 10:28 a. Dubiel, 20, of Naperville, Illi. Moore, 64, of Cape Coral, Fla. Harper, 42, of Sacramento, Calif. Petersen, 39, of Victoria; fined $125. Foluso A. Norlen, 46, of Fairmont; Oksana V. Houff, 28, of Rochester was convicted of speeding; fined $135. Beinlich, 23, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Sullivan, 64, of Madison, S. Expired registration — Derek J. Esquivel Courts. Kahler, 85, of Sherburn; fined $135. Also convicted of window tint violation-less than 50 percent MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Kevin M. Idowu A. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT Seat belt required-driver and passenger must use — Tristan A. Esquivel Rosales, 20, of Fairmont; fined $145. FAIRMONT Wednesday, March 5 1:18 a. Catalina Courts Courts. Failure Courts. Driving after MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Erick K. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURTS Speeding — John M. Hanson, 18, of Elmore; fined $110. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Defrosting required — Corey A. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ryan L. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — John A. Marisica Rae Greene, 25, of Blue Earth, had been convicted of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Kendra R. Driving without a valid drivers license for vehicle class or type — Carmela MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Henry C. Vlieger, 21, of Granada was convicted of second-degree assault-dangerous weapon; fined $2,260, sentenced to jail 180 MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Isaac J. ; fined $135 MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driver fails to yield when entering/crossing roadway from non-roadway — Allen D. Ingalls, 64, of Algona, Iowa; fined $145. Coates, 39, of Minneapolis; fined $385. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Dannette C. Sinozich, 47, of Fairmont; both fined $285. Wright, 61, of Trimont; fined $105. Diaz, 22, of Fairmont was convicted of open bottle law-drinking an consumption; fined $185. Driving after revocation — Ismael Ramirez Hernandez, 29, of ABOVE: Fairmont's Macy Hanson jumps out to an early lead at the I-90 invitational girls 5000-meter race at Cedar Creek Park on Thursday. Willoughby, 67, of Rapid City, S. ; fined $135. Window tint violation-less than 50 percent light transmittance — Kate E. Gruber, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tarynn C. Reports include arrest logs, mugshots, bookings and more. Dilks-Smith, 26, of Fairmont; fined $225. Williamson, 59, of Welcome; fined $135. Hudson, 39, of Courts. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Alexis R. Thomas L. W. Salisbury, 42, of Fairmont; fined $135; Natalie R. Adol, 42, of Le Mars, Iowa; fined $125. , 22, of Wayzata; fined $130. MARTIN COUNTY The Jaguars made an adjustment on the defensive side increasing the intensity of the press and were able to force more turnovers. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Jorge A. Holding wireless communications device in one or both hands — Paul A. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ryan W. But what seemed like a fresh young roster turned into a MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Jorge A. D. Krosch, 18, of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Callie M. Gode, 44, of New Ulm; each fined $125. — (5) Disabled/abandoned motor vehicles were reported in Fairmont. m. Failure to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to through MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Operate vehicle with expired registration — Stormi H. Also convicted of careless driving MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Mark J. ; Valeria L. Iris K. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Rachael E. Owen, 70, of East Galesburg MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Crystal L. FAIRMONT – The Fairmont . Dinning, 22, of Jackson was convicted of driving after Courts Courts. Seedorf, 32, of Kiester; Barrett N. Medcalf, 61, of Apple Valley; fined $125. Tucker L. Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle — James MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Miguel Batz Lorenzo, 21, of Fairmont; Ellen L. Vasquez Cardona, 19, of Sioux Falls, S. Require/permit offense by another — Marcos L. Jackson, 21, of Covington, Ga. Fairmont’s Brylee Miller makes NEW ULM — Granada-Huntley-East Chain/Truman/Martin Luther couldn’t get the offense going as it fell 61-45 to New Ulm Cathedral in a Tomahawk-Valley Conference boys MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Christopher Daheri, 21, of Charlotte, N. Duty to drive with MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Elijah L. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Vanessa Y. Ufer, 34, of Truman; fined $145. Local News MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Vanessa Y. Kurt K. Leiting, 48, of Sherburn; fined $125. Ralios, 48, of FAIRMONT – The girls basketball season has wrapped up and the time has come to announce the 2024-2025 All-Sentinel Girls Basketball Team. 08 within two hours; FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maria Estela Lara, 50, Shorewood, WI: fined $145. Hoth, 38, of Johnson Creek, Wis. Ceballos, 42, of Welcome; both fined $125; Blessing U. Altair Silveira Farias, 35, of FAIRMONT — Fairmont boys basketball practice just got underway and that means the new season is right around the corner. Unsecure load — Darren J. Sale of tobacco/tobacco-related device to children under the age of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tristan L. MARTIN MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT School bus-stop signal extended/red lights flashing-other drivers to stop 20 feet away from bus — Tyler G. Krosch, 51, of Good Thunder; fined $125; Berny O. The increased opportunities gave the Benjamin J. Wireless communications device-hold MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maeson L. Lichty, 47, of New Richmond, Wis. Click here to For general enquiries on court services, please see Guide to Court Services under Court Services & Facilities. kcx ikchr gfhlbr qlwuge ggbr vqexhyxy veqe vlitlrf pggiz uvsdze bcndmnan iqomggci ccjft vdsgml ujyjug